This is a reminder to all families of Harrison County Students that school has been cancelled this week Sept. 7 - Sept. 10. This is in an effort to reduce the impact of Covid on our school community and ensure adequate staffing. We return to school in-person on Monday, Sept. 13.
In an effort to lower the number of active positive cases and quarantines the Harrison County School District will be closing Tuesday, September 7 thru Friday, September 10. We will return on Monday, September 13. Please see the full message in the image below.
Breakfast and Lunch Menus for 8/30 - 9/3. For nutrition information go to:
There continues to be supply chain issues abound with food and paper products due to COVID-19. Menu may be subject to change because of this.
Due to supply chain issues we have modified the lunch menu this week. We will still be offering the same things, just on different days. Sorry for the confusion. - HC Food Service
Breakfast and Lunch Menus for 8/23 - 8/27. For nutrition information go to:
Thank you so much to Señora Clapp (our wonderful ESL Coordinator), Mr. Switzer (for grilling delicious hot dogs) Mrs. Debbie Kendall(for everything I forget to do), our principals who came and our wonderful ESL students & families! We had a great night assisting our families with paperwork, program service plans and questions! Amazing turn out by all!
Jenny Lynn Hatter, CAO
ESL NIGHT TONIGHT (8/18/21) at the board office:
Vamos a tener una reunion familiar esta noche, miercoles, el 18 de agosto de las 5:30 hasta las 7:30. La reunion esta en la Oficina de Borde. Vamos a tener perros calientes, papas, y postres. Vamos a discutir los resultados del examen Access para cada estudiante.
Dr. Besson and Dr. Goho with their FB announcement of the new Licking Valley Internal Medicine Hilltop Clinic. Harrison County Schools is excited to be able to provide board certified pediatric services to our students on campus.
Just a reminder that all middle and high school students on Cherokee and Shawnee will now be riding bus 83, morning and afternoon. All middle and
high school Delta Court students will ride bus 75. For those same locations, Southside students will continue to ride bus 88.
Breakfast and Lunch Menu's for 8/16 - 8/20. For nutrition information go to:
HC Schools would like to thank these officers from the Cynthiana PD for helping with traffic this morning. All cars and buses safely transported our students and were off the Hilltop by 8:00AM this morning.
Harrison County Public Schools to move to masking stage 3 effective August 10th. Details can be found in the following press release:
The first day of classes in Harrison County Schools is this Thursday, August 12. Full details, including masking information, are available at
Also please note that, in accordance with CDC recommendations, masks are required on school buses at this time.
The first day of school for students is Thursday, August 12. We are currently operating in masking stage MS2 – Masking required for all individuals in the building while moving. This would apply when entering, exiting, or transitioning throughout the inside of a building. Masking required for all when unable to maintain 3 feet of social distance. You can find the full plan at this link.
The Harrison County School District, in partnership with the WEDCO Health District, is hosting a vaccination clinic for HC students ages 12 and up on Wednesday, August 4th, from 5 - 7 pm. Unlike getting the vaccine in other locations, HC students will not need their birth certificate as their age will be verified with school records. The vaccine is the number one way to mitigate the effects of Covid on yourself and others. Unless one develops symptoms, there is no requirement for vaccinated students or staff to quarantine if exposed.
The Emergency Broadband Benefit is a Federal Communications Commission program created to assist families with obtaining Internet service and computers. For more details, see this link:
Please see this link for a document containing instructions on completing the FCC application:
Enjoy your our Summer School 2021 via photos! Search:
Harrison County Middle School has released details of the 2021 Registration and Open House events. See the link for more:
How about two? The Harrison County Fillies softball team beat Pendleton County to claim the 38th District Fast Pitch Softball Tournament championship! Congratulations!